punishment|punishments in English


['pun·ish·ment || 'pʌnɪʃmənt]

discipline, penalty; fine, financial penalty

Use "punishment|punishments" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "punishment|punishments" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "punishment|punishments", or refer to the context using the word "punishment|punishments" in the English Dictionary.

1. Differential application of punishments in law based on sex, including cruel, inhuman or degrading forms of punishment;

2. Duly mete out rewards and punishments.

3. A boy Caned by his favourite (lady) teacher: School & College Punishments: Two boys slippered by the deputy headmaster: School & College Punishments: A workplace spanking: Other Punishments: How a spanking interest was formed: Other Punishments: A boy Caned: School & College Punishments: Boy Caned by favourite teacher: School & College

4. Mithridates took revenge and inflicted terrible punishments.

5. The district increased punishments for miss behavior ( misbehavior ).

6. ARCHIMEDES THOMAS LITTLE HEATH In order that the punishments of different classes of crime may be proportional, the punishments should be Commensurable

7. Allan Kardec viewed such things as punishments.

8. 11 aEternal punishment is God’s punishment.

9. It administered punishments, including expulsions from the Party.

10. Misdemeanor assaults, batteries, and Affrays, simple and aggravated; punishments

11. Misdemeanor assaults, batteries, and Affrays, simple and aggravated; punishments

12. Misdemeanor assaults, batteries, and Affrays, simple and aggravated; punishments

13. The punishments accorded with the current code of discipline.

14. According to their nature, administrative punishments can be grouped into three types: (i) punishments resulting in specific actions, such as revoking permits of licenses, and ordering the suspension of production and operations; (ii) punishments involving property, such as fining and confiscation of illegal property; and (iii) punishments of an admonitory nature, such as warning.

15. I agree that early Bedtimes are the worst of punishments

16. The serf owners safeguarded the feudal serfdom with savage punishments.

17. But now focus on his remarks about punishment, even capital punishment.

18. ARCHIMEDES THOMAS LITTLE HEATH In order that the punishments of different classes of crime may be proportional, the punishments should be Commensurable. THE ENGLISH UTILITARIANS, VOLUME I

19. It also prohibits the issue of permits for owning or keeping weapons to persons who have been sentenced to Afflictive punishments or to punishments for domestic violence

20. Younger children favor expiatory punishment; older children favor punishment by reciprocity.

21. Corporal punishment is the purposeful infliction of pain as punishment for wrongdoing

22. Despite various punishments already meted out, the idolatrous Israelites remain obstinate.

23. Crime and Punishment.

24. The second part is the analysis of specific content of legal retributive punishment, such as: the concept and meaning of punishment, the application of punishment, the system of punishment.

25. These courts are empowered to dispense a wide range of punishments including death.